Home Page | Keyla Jones, Author of Dear Mr. Somebody, Young Adult, Fantasy, Asexual, LGBTQA+, Romance, and Horror

Keyla Jones

Author of Dear Mr. Someboy

A writer of romance, comedy, fantasy, and horror. She is inspired by her vivid dreams and the stories of those around her. She is a self published author of "Dear Mr. Somebody, an asexual romantic comedy" and is currently seeking representation for her other completed Young Adult Fantasy Novel, Nethermore.

Now available in Ebook and Paperback

Dear Mr. Somebody

Think dating in the new age is hard? Well, try being a 24-year-old, borderline asexual woman that is completely against the idea of having kids or getting married. Somehow, Alfie still holds onto the hope of finding the one.


Meet Keyla Jones

Keyla Jones is an award-winning playwright, singer-songwriter, and artist. She writes novels based on her own experiences and those around her. When she’s isn’t writing, you may find Keyla singing a song, painting dinosaurs in space, or daydreaming about her next novel idea.


Completed manuscripts currently in query, and available works in progress for consideration. Please click on a novel to learn more.